Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Personal Entry

Today, I decided to sleep instead of doing things I need to do. During this break I decided to take an interim class and conducting research for a spring semester class that promises to kick my butt. I was given a case study for JCPenney, a client that we are submitting a full advertising campaign for. 
I find myself looking for things to do rather than reading my case study or writing a blog post.

I thought to myself while watching Weeds on Netflix and updating my facebook; "Why am I doing this, why can't I just pick it up and do it?" 

Our generation has so many things bombarding our minds including; video games, social networking sites, and mp3 players consuming our everyday lives. I believe that our "instant" way of life keeps us from reality, thinking “Oh, I can think of something better to do."


  1. Not only "Oh, I can think of something better to do," but "Hey, I can juggle a million things at once." When in actuality one can't. Our generation needs to learn to focus and try doing things one at a time.

  2. Lindsey, I'm exactly the same way. I ALWAYS leave things like homework to the last minute. Even studying for finals week I found myself on facebook and on Netflix doing anything but studying. I ended up pulling a few al-nighters that week trying to catch up for time lost procrastinating.

  3. My friends call me Neo (from the Matrix), cause I'm always "plugged in." By that I mean, I'm either playing video games, listening to music, on the computer, or texting, or sometimes all at once! It's kind of embarrassing.

    Trax Henderson

  4. The only homework I am able to do way before it is due would be these comments and blog posts, but that might be because they are on the Internet. I used to have a t-shirt in middle school that said "Hard Work Pays Off Later, Laziness Pays Off Now," and I think that myself and too many of us twenty somethings still follow that. That plan is not going to work in a few years.
