Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Personal Entry 2

I had a lot of really great feedback on the last post. Today, I want to address futures. I spent the day looking at my options after college. I have been chewing over Miami Ad School, a advertising school that focuses on your portfolio. They are considered "the most awarded Ad School in the US or abroad." They have many locations including Miami, San Francisco, London and more. After looking at their web site and hearing from Kaitlyn Winkler, a representative of the admissions office I thought that this is the best choice for many reasons. 
I began to think of our economy and the lack of entry level positions and also my small portfolio.  I also thought to myself; "do I really want to graduate just to enroll in more classes?" 
But, if I am serious about my goal to be a creative in a top agency like Crispin Porter and Bogusky or Saatchi & Saatchi. Then going to a school that will give me many great opportunity with agencies like these is a must. Top priority for me as a 20 something: start and finish the 12 step application process to the Miami Ad School.


  1. I think this great you are exploring all of your options. Personally I have been to London so that is where I would go! But it is very important like you said to build your portfolio as much as you can. Graduating this coming May I too am worried about what I will be doing!

  2. I think what you are considering is exciting! Good luck with whatever you decide...I'm sure you will succeed!

  3. I give you a TON of credit for trying to continue your education after you graduate. I'm having a hard enough time just trying to graduate from UNC. I can't imagine continuing to go to classes afterwards!

    I think it's a great idea though to build your portfolio and it sounds like this school may be your best opportunity. Whatever you decide, good luck!
