Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blogger Evaluation

Writing for a blog is very different than any other writing. To me it feels like I’m writing an e-mail or a facebook post. It seems to be informal but conversational. At first it is hard to check it every day and make sure that I write on it but the instant I start writing it becomes second nature and easy. Personally, I thought this was going to be more of a diary post blog, a place where you would post about what you did that day and how it affected your life. I like that we chose a topic from the beginning.

           Writing about 20 year olds and how they are taking longer to growing up is interesting, I'm not sure that I can continue writing about it for four weeks. I’m not sure that it interests me as much as I thought it did in the beginning. At first I thought this topic was exciting because I could take the other point of view, from a 20 year olds stand point. But, it seems like it’s just my opinion and I don’t have a lot of resources to back up my view. I would like to learn why people are not taking the steps to grow up and what affects them to make other choices. Professor Klyde-Silverstein brought up a good point about helicopter parents, I would look deeper into this sub-topic and I would also like to survey students on what the meaning of ‘adults’ is to them.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsey, I also thought that the blogs would be more of a diary or more of a "day in the life" type of blog, I was also glad that we were assigned to blog about a topic rather than ourselves. I think that looking into helicopter parents is a great idea. In the summer I coach a kids diving team and have to deal with helicopter parents everyday. I am very interested to see what your take on them will be!
